National Hunger Awareness Day 2004

National Hunger Awareness Day 2004

Do you have a favorite recipe? Wanna share? How about for a really good cause? America's Second Harvest is sponsoring One Big Table to increase awareness of hunger in America.

National Hunger Awareness Day 2004 is June 3rd and there are several things you can do to get involved between now and then. You can host a benefit potluck, attend an "online potluck" or submit a recipe that could end up in the One Big Table An American Cookbook which will be edited by award winning cookbook writer Molly O'Neill.

Having worked in a homeless shelter early in my career, I know the enormous satisfaction that comes from feeding someone who is truly hungry. We often think of those less fortunate than ourselves around the holidays, but hunger is a year round problem. Find something you can do to help out. Because nothing satisfies more than making a difference.

- A Place At The Table: Hunger In America & Beyond
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- Still Hungry?
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