Still hungry?

Still hungry?

Not many people know about the time I spent working in a homeless shelter. But in many ways it shaped who I am today, especially when it comes to how I think and feel about food.

Over at Bay Area Bites are some of my experiences in regards to hunger in America. I hope you will check it out, it has humor and a deeply personal story that I am sharing for the first time. Let me know what you think.


- More Observations On The Hunger Challenge
Yesterday's post was the most pitiful thing I think I've ever written. I tried a new recipe, Queso Panela Kebabs, and it was a failure. The cheese melted into a sad pile of goo. Failure happens but it's all the more discouraging when you're...

- Is Hunger A Taboo Subject?
The first year I participated in the Hunger Challenge, one of my commenters basically said that anyone who was hungry in this country was lazy. I was also told by a blogger that she wouldn't participate in the Challenge because it was her personal...

- Pesach For The Rest Of Us
Tonight is the first night of Passover. But Passover actually lasts all week so why not a week of Passover posts? This week I will be sharing recipes, stories and kicking things off with a book review. Passover is a holiday that commemorates the Jews...

- Click To Feed 15 Hungry Children
One of the things you can't help but notice in reading Tucker Shaw's new book Everything I Ate, is the sheer volume of food consumed in a year. We live in a land of plenty. Or do we? It all depends. Hunger and homelessness continued to rise...

- National Hunger Awareness Day 2004
Do you have a favorite recipe? Wanna share? How about for a really good cause? America's Second Harvest is sponsoring One Big Table to increase awareness of hunger in America. National Hunger Awareness Day 2004 is June 3rd and there are several...

