Click to feed 15 hungry children

Click to feed 15 hungry children

One of the things you can't help but notice in reading Tucker Shaw's new book Everything I Ate, is the sheer volume of food consumed in a year. We live in a land of plenty. Or do we? It all depends.

Hunger and homelessness continued to rise in major American cities over the last year, according to the latest U.S. Conference of Mayors-Sodexho Hunger and Homelessness Survey. In particular, families with children requesting food assistance and emergency shelter increased substantially over the previous year.

Even with an improving economy, overall requests for emergency food assistance increased by an average of 14 percent over last year with 96% of the cities registering an increase. Now there's a story you don't see in the paper everyday.

How would you like to feed 15 hungry children with the click of your mouse? In honor of National Hunger Awareness Day, Dannon has launched a special new "button" on their web site. Every time this button is clicked, Dannon will make a $1 donation -- or the equivalent of 15 meals -- to America's Second Harvest up to a total of $75,000. Once the donation button is clicked, you will also have the opportunity to let a friend know about it via a special Dannon/America's Second Harvest e-card. When this e-card is sent, the original $1 donation will be doubled. Click here now to trigger a donation.

For those of you unfamiliar with America's Second Harvest, "The Nation's Food Bank Network" they are the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the United States. America's Second Harvest feeds over 23 million hungry Americans each year, educates the public about hunger in America and advocates for public policies that positively impact hungry Americans. In 2004, Forbes magazine gave America's Second Harvest a charitable commitment rating of 98% -- meaning 98% of all product and financial donations received by America's Second Harvest go directly towards feeding hungry people rather than administration or fundraising.

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