
Blogging By Mail signups are now closed!

Over the next several days, I'll be compiling everyone's information and assigning swap partners.

If you've signed up but have not heard back from me, please send me a message immediately.

I will have all of your swap information for you early next week. Ship date is the 19th, so you should have plenty of time to assemble your packages.

Hope you have a great weekend!

- Blogging By Mail: 10 Items Or Less
Blogging by Mail, that fantastic global care package swap for bloggers, returns! BBM is the brainchild of Nic of Baking Bites, who has rather graciously allowed me to run this event, and I'm happy to announce a new round and a new theme. You may...

- Blogging By Mail: Little Things Mean A Lot
It's back!!! The much-beloved, International blog swap is back for another round. Bloggers from all over the globe are sending goodies to fellow foodies from near and far, and it's a lot of fun. An event created by Nic of Baking Bites, I've...

- Woooooooooo-hoooooo!
It's back! I'm back! Too many days without access...I kept telling myself there was a time when we didn't blog or email, but it still felt strange. I've been on-line for maybe fifteen minutes, and almost feel a bit rusty! Ok, business....

- Final Days Of Blogging By Mail!
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- Blogging By Mail Is Back!!
The prodigal event returns!!! After an absence of many months, and much cajoling (and begging and pestering) on my part, Nic of Bakingsheet has agreed to resuscitate Blogging by Mail! Better yet, she's putting me in charge...oh, goody! If you've...

