Blog Party#38: Birthday Bash

Blog Party#38: Birthday Bash


Happy September, everybody! And as we start a new month, it's time to unveil the latest Blog Party theme.

Someone's having a birthday this month...

Not long ago, I realized I'd not had a birthday party since I was ten. I really don't want to tell you how many years ago that was (although Alex would be quite willing to share the information, the little dear), but let's say it's been a while.

I miss getting together with friends and eating cake and wearing silly hats and all the other things associated with birthday parties.

So I started to ask myself, 'what's stopping you from throwing your own birthday bash'?

Yeah, what.

So, my wonderful and creative friends, I'm about to commit an uncharacteristically selfish act: I'm making this month's Blog Party a Birthday Bash, for me!

Oh, yes I am.

For September (already dubbed 'Birthday Month' in our house), we're having a Birthday party. With fun drinks and festive appetizers, and all my favorite things!

Don't feel that you're limited by the fact I don't drink or eat food with a face; it's not about feeding me, so much as feeding the guests. Make it fun & delicious, and that's my kind of gift.

So, want to come to my Birthday Bash? RSVP no later than Thursday, 18 September to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. The Bash will be held that Saturday, 20 September.

Start thinking fun, start thinking birthday. And help me celebrate checking a new box under 'age'! Hope to see you there.

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Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Birthday + Blogging

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