It's Someone's Birthday Today!

It's Someone's Birthday Today!

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Little Food & Thoughts!
Happy Birthday to YOU!

Yeah. We're full of ourselves like that, me and my blog. We also almost ate both of those layer cakes, entirely by ourselves. Okay, so maybe not. But we could have! If you sing, maybe you can have a slice too ;-)

- Princess Cake
Lee's favorite cake is a Swedish Princess cake. I get him one every year on his birthday. It's layers of fluffy genoise, smooth custard and raspberry jam all topped with whipped cream and then completely covered with a thin layer of marzipan....

- Happy Birthday
Yesterday was Matt's birthday. It's a milestone, which he's not too happy about. We're having an official 'to-do' later this month, but of course the three of us had to celebrate. There were cool gifts, and Matt had exactly...

- Birthday Cookie
I'd already made a cake for Alex's birthday party, as well as cupcakes to send to school on the actual day. So, for his much-smaller family birthday dinner, I was kind of out of ideas. One of Alex's classmates share his birthday, and her...

- Apples? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Apples!
Forget the shiny red apple as a teacher gift. For Alex's preschool teacher's birthday, we gave cake. I call it 'The Turtle Cake', for what I hope are obvious reasons. Two (square) layers of a seriously dense chocohlate cake, smothered...

- They Say It's Your Birthday; Happy Birthday To You
Alex is Two today! (When do we open presents?) We had a little party for him yesterday, and what's a birthday without cake? For my sweet boy; a Blue's Clues birthday cake. Sure, my Mom would have done better. But seriously, for freehand, it's...

