Birthday Cookie

Birthday Cookie

I'd already made a cake for Alex's birthday party, as well as cupcakes to send to school on the actual day. So, for his much-smaller family birthday dinner, I was kind of out of ideas.

One of Alex's classmates share his birthday, and her father offered to bring in a cookie cake from a place in town. I told him I'd already planned for cupcakes, and would be happy to make it from both kids. Besides, there's really no substitute for my chocolate chip cookies!

But that got me thinking. Matt picked up a round pizza pan, and while Alex was at school, I made him this gigantic chocolate chip cookie cake.

He thought it was fantastic; a slice of cookie seemed, to him, the neatest thing ever.

And that's what matters, right?

On another note, I apolgize for not being around as much as you may be used to. For some reason, I haven't been spending much time in front of the computer the past few weeks. The prep for Alex's party had a lot to do with it, but I still haven't gotten back on track.
Also, I'm having the worst time posting photos through Blogger, and that doesn't help.

Anyway, I hope to be back to normal next, don't give up on me just yet.

with: Food and Drink + Baking + Cookies + Cake + Chocolate Chip + Birthdays

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