Post-Oscar Decadence

Post-Oscar Decadence

Of all the nominations, I've only seen...two?...of the films. Ratatouille and Michael Clayton. Which is probably a higher number than past years.

We decided to have a sort of 'decadence' dinner. Nothing too fancy, just foods we really enjoy. Matt had a filet mignon, I had a veggie Cordon bleu. We splurged and purchased a dessert, each, from the bakery case at Earth Fare. I had a teeny chocolate mousse cake, he had pistachio baklava and some peanut butter bars. Nice, not spectacular.

This cake, however, was.

I've found myself making birthday cakes for various teachers and staff at Alex's school. They think I'm spoiling them; what they don't realize is that they are, in fact, feeding my habit, my need, to bake.

Alex's teacher from last year had a birthday recently. I made this White Chocolate Truffle & Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake. I changed the decorations for the top, simply because I was out of shortening (for the stars).

It was heavenly, at least the cake smelled heavenly. The frosting? Oh, my. And I may have done a happy dance when, for the absolute first time, I got the white chocolate to work for me. I made white chocolate ganache. That filling was AMAZING.

It was a pretty cake, it smelled lovely. And another teacher found more than a 'World's Best Teacher' mug waiting on her desk...

(the batteries in my camera died just as I took the picture, it was late and I was tired, so this is the as good as it gets)

We're going a bit crazy this month: Blog Party#31 is a Fried Food Frenzy!

You have till Friday to get your fried finger food entries to me; hope to see you there.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Birthdays + White Chocolate + Truffles + Chocolate + Cake + Teachers + Frosting

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