Makes Your Hands Look Really Tiny

Makes Your Hands Look Really Tiny

Today is Alex's (sub) teacher's birthday. Naturally, there had to be cake.

Chocolate Fudge Truffle cake, to be precise. Very rich, with very little in the way of dry ingredients. Brown sugar in large quantities, yes, Flour, not so much.

A chocolate frosting to top it off, and viola! A giant cupcake.

I'm most proud of the bottom, though. I didn't want to frost it, as that would make it impossible to transport. Instead, I poured heated candy melts over the turned-over bottom half, and let it dry.

The result was a lovely, thin, coating that looked not unlike a paper cupcake liner!

(and yes, it really is big-ish; about seven cups of batter to make that)

Still working on BBM; this whole not-sleeping thing has been slowing me down. That, and staring at the details for 117 people!

Patience, my friends...very soon. Promise.

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