Apples? We don't need no stinkin' apples!

Apples? We don't need no stinkin' apples!

Forget the shiny red apple as a teacher gift.

For Alex's preschool teacher's birthday, we gave cake.

I call it 'The Turtle Cake', for what I hope are obvious reasons.

Two (square) layers of a seriously dense chocohlate cake, smothered in dulce de leche and chopped pecans, and then finished off with a heavy drizzle of dark chocolate.

Happy birthday, indeed.

- Princess Cake
Lee's favorite cake is a Swedish Princess cake. I get him one every year on his birthday. It's layers of fluffy genoise, smooth custard and raspberry jam all topped with whipped cream and then completely covered with a thin layer of marzipan....

- World Dulce De Leche Day---dark Chocolate Turtle Cupcakes
My contribution to World Dulce de Leche day; double-dark chocolate cupcakes filled with glorious dulce de leche, topped with a dark chocolate ganache, pin-striped with more dulce de leche & finally topped with chopped, toasted pecans. You know you...

- Post-oscar Decadence
Of all the nominations, I've only seen...two?...of the films. Ratatouille and Michael Clayton. Which is probably a higher number than past years. We decided to have a sort of 'decadence' dinner. Nothing too fancy, just foods we really enjoy....

- Birthday Cookie
I'd already made a cake for Alex's birthday party, as well as cupcakes to send to school on the actual day. So, for his much-smaller family birthday dinner, I was kind of out of ideas. One of Alex's classmates share his birthday, and her...

- Salutations And Congratulations
My father-in-law recently celebrated two events: his sixty-ninth birthday, and his retirement from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. My mother-in-law wondered if I would make a cake...? Of course I would Another recipe from Perfect Cakes, I made...

