Trial and Error

Trial and Error

Or, When a recipe goes wrong.

Last week, I made a White Chocolate Pound Cake. I just felt like baking one.

I carefully followed the directions, as I (almost) always do. Melted chocolate in the cake, as well as white chocolate layered with the batter: cake, chocolate, cake, chocolate, cake.

Sounds simple, doesn't it?

Well, I did as I was instructed. I baked the cake as long as I was told, too. I inserted a wooden skewer into the cake, instead of the recommended knife, but still...the skewer came out clean. I let the cake cool, transferred to a rack, drizzled with both white and semisweet chocolate.

And just didn't look right.

I finally got around to cutting a piece for Matt to try. The inside? Still looked...wet. Clearly not done. However, if I'd kept the cake in the oven longer, the exposed portion would have been hard and blackened.

So...we chucked the cake in the trash. What a waste.

Anyone have a tried-and-true white chocolate pound cake recipe they'd like to share? I know I'm not going back to this one!

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