Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was Matt's birthday. It's a milestone, which he's not too happy about. We're having an official 'to-do' later this month, but of course the three of us had to celebrate.

There were cool gifts, and Matt had exactly what he wanted for dinner: steak & potatoes. But for dessert? He decided he didn't want a cake.

No, he asked for baklava. So that's what I gave him. It was perfect, with a 3:1 ratio of pistachios to walnuts. He loved it.

He loved it so much, in fact, that he's asked I make this instead of a cake for the big party!

Happy birthday, honey.

Today is the LAST day to get those Blog Party Fusion entries in!

Mix & match cuisines, get creative with your spices, and join the party! Entries are due TODAY Thursday, 15 November; leave a link in the comments or send your URL to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Birthdays + Pistachios + Baking + Pastry + Dinner

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