We have Cake!

We have Cake!

It's all over. While again, not perfect, I think the small changes I made to the cake were improvements.

So what am I doing today?

Baking a cake. Of course.

Blog Party#22 is here, and this month, we're taking on the Wild, Wild West!
Turn your favorite Western dishes into appetizers, and cocktails/mocktails, and join the party.
Entries are due Thursday, 17 May; you can leave a comment here, or email your links to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Cakes + Baking + Chocolate + Fondant + Buttercream + Birthdays

- Hazelnut-rapberry Torte
This is how the cake looked when I waved goodbye to it. If it still resembled the picture by the time it reached it's destination, I've yet to learn. Because both my Saturday & Sunday were kind of busy, and as Tuesdays are regular dinner-with-the-in-laws...

- Rained Out
Saturday, we had plans to take in our first drive-in movie of the season, Spiderman 3. We were to leave around five-thirty, wait in line for the gates to open at seven (the best way to get a good 'seat'), then set up our chairs around the car...

- Wdb: It's Much Too Hot Out There!
So, the pups stay indoors, where it's much cooler Doolin, sitting directly to my right, refused to look at me or the camera. This is the best shot, the little brat. Wicklow always manages to look so very put-upon. The pooch is living the good...

- Blog Party#22: The Wild, Wild West
It's the first day of May, and that means time to unveil the newest Blog Party theme. This month, we're headed out West. The Wild, Wild West, to be precise. Doesn't matter if you're born & raised here in the United States, or from a...

- Test Run
It's not perfect. But, I'm baking a cake for somone this coming weekend. They want to PAY ME to bake a cake for them. I'm using fondant. I've never been crazy about the stuff, and right now, I'm 'eh'. It's useful, sure...but...

