WDB: It's Much Too Hot Out There!

WDB: It's Much Too Hot Out There!

So, the pups stay indoors, where it's much cooler

Doolin, sitting directly to my right, refused to look at me or the camera. This is the best shot, the little brat.

Wicklow always manages to look so very put-upon. The pooch is living the good life, but you'd never know it!

Sweet Donegal. In another victory for our friend Irony, the poor girl quite possibly has an underactive thyroid. Like Mother, like Dog? No wonder she sleeps so much!

And good ol' Duke. He's doing so much better, every week. He jumps on the bed to snuggle. He's taken to curling up by my feet when I'm doing things in the dining room (laundry, cakes, etc). He's slowly gaiing weight, too, which makes us pretty happy.

All four are as grateful for the air conditioning units in the house as Matt & I are, I can tell you that. It shouldn't reach 90 degrees in late April, Mr. President...let's take another look at the fight against Global Warming, shall we??

Sweetnicks, recovering from her fiesta (I hope!), will have more puppy cuteness for you tonight.

Blog Party#22 is here, and this month, we're taking on the Wild, Wild West!
Turn your favorite Western dishes into appetizers, and cocktails/mocktails, and join the party.
Entries are due Thursday, 17 May; you can leave a comment here, or email your links to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + WDB + Dogs + Puppies

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