Rained Out

Rained Out

Saturday, we had plans to take in our first drive-in movie of the season, Spiderman 3. We were to leave around five-thirty, wait in line for the gates to open at seven (the best way to get a good 'seat'), then set up our chairs around the car while we waited for the sun to set (because, you know, it's really hard to see a film projected onto a giant screen during daylight). We were bringing Duke, and lots of fun things for Alex to do, and looking forward to a little 'bad' food for dinner. Stuff from the diner-like snack bar.

Unfortunately, Mother Nature decided it was not yet time to start up one of our favorite summer activities, and poured buckets of water on our area for the entire day.

Had it just been the two of us, it wouldn't have mattered much. But it wasn't fair to keep a four year old and a large dog cooped up in a car for six hours.

So, we stayed home, and watched Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time. But we still got our grill on, making burgers and dogs (of both the meat and veg variety), with cheese and (faux) bacon, and chili. French fries, too, of course, some potato chips, and some really thick chocolate shakes.

It wasn't quite as much fun as a night at the drive-in, but we still had a pretty good night. We're trying again, this weekend, though...

Blog Party#22 is here, and this month, we're taking on the Wild, Wild West!
Turn your favorite Western dishes into appetizers, and cocktails/mocktails, and join the party.
Entries are due Thursday, 17 May; you can leave a comment here, or email your links to thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Burgers + Hot Dogs + French Fries + Milk Shakes + Drive-ins + Movies

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