I Always Said I Was a Cheap Date

I Always Said I Was a Cheap Date

or, Scenes from a Drive-In Movie

Friday night, Matt and I had a 'date' at a drive-in movie theater. For an old-fashioned gal like me, how much more retro can you get?

The sign, obviously, for the drive-in. It's one of three, all owned by the same people, located within driving distance of our home.

We're first in line! Ok, it's also five-thirty, and we have a bit of a wait to get in, but that also means we get our pick of 'seats'.

See what I mean about the wait? But you can't beat the prices; ten bucks for the two of us to watch three films. I really am a cheap date.

Time to get our tickets!

My date for the evening.

Very cool, very retro, snack area, called The BlueMoon Cafe. They sell all sorts of foods; burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, candy bars, ice cream, even shaved ice. Plus, there's a seriously old jukebox, as well as various gaming machines...pinball and the like. It's so neat!

After we returned to the car with our food, we saw a guy pull u with a recliner in his truck bed. Guess he really wanted to be comfortable for the films.

My 'dinner', a grilled-cheese sandwich. Yum.

And very retro: white bread, fake butter, and processed cheese-food product.

Gotta have fries. Nice and crispy.

Matt got a BBQ-ed sandwich. For the price, it was (he said) surprisingly good.

If you look closely, just at the bottom of the screen, a group of people had set up a card table and were happily passing the the pre-film time by playing a friendly game of cards.

Good crowd.

We weren't really interested in Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, not having seen the first one. So, we brought the lap top and during the first film, watched the final two episodes of the first season of Veronica Mars. Got through X-3 (Brett Ratner, you have some 'splainin' to do!), and left before Larry the stupid movie that never should have been made started. But just the same, with movies and food, we spent less than twenty dollars for the entire night out...it doesn't happen often, but I'm always happy when it does!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Movies + Drive-Ins + X-MEN + Cheese Sandwich + Retro + Theaters

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