You've Been Redeemed

You've Been Redeemed

For the longest time, I've been less-than happy with my Gourmet subscription.

I've been getting Gourmet for...over four years. My very first issue? Oh, heavenly. That's where I got that fabulous Persian rice recipe. Matt and I loved it.

And the magazine kept my interest for a long time.

But starting some time last year, I found I really didn't like much of what I was seeing. Very few of the recipes appealed to me (or even to Matt, and it's much better suited to him, as a carnivore), and I wasn't even remotely interested in the articles (sure, next time I'm in Iceland, I'll know where to shop and dine, but...).

This afternoon, I got my September 2004 issue of Gourmet.

Oh, how wonderful. How me!

See, I have long been 'into' food in and from movies. As a matter of a fact, not long ago Matt and I sought out a number of 'food porn' films to add to our Netflix queue (Eat, Drink, Man, Woman; Tortilla Soup; Big Night; Like Water for Chocolate...).
And I love to find web sites or cookbooks (or both!) collecting recipes from books or movies.

As a gift last year, Matt gave me the Nero Wolfe cookbook. I love it. I've found a collection of James Bond foods and drinks.

These are the things I love.

And the new Gourmet? It's all about Food & Movies!!

Movie-inspired foods (Pear Pie from Mildred Pierce, Parsley Cumin Parathas from Monsoon Wedding and Timballo from Big Night), reviews of eateries and hotels referring to films (Blues Brothers, Groundhog Day, To Catch a Thief, Diamonds are Forever), an entire menu devoted to Gigi, even recipes from Sophia Loren (see my regular blog for a recent post about her)!

Oh, took time, but I think I may just renew my subscription, based solely on this issue. You tease, you. Now, I'm once again hooked.

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