Cheap Holiday Gifts!

Cheap Holiday Gifts!

I am not only a cooking magazine addict. I am a cooking magazine pusher. It probably comes as no surprise that I absolutely love cooking magazines and subscribe to a whole passel of them. But I also think they make a great gift for the foodie or wannabe foodie in your life. And you can't beat the prices! For little more than the price of a single issue you get a whole years' worth. Today I'm listing the best picks for under five bucks each.

By the way I get no kick-backs for these, I'm just passing along the info -- 'tis the season after all. Each of these are for a year's subscription through my favorite magazine site, Magazine Price Search. Order soon though, the prices change all the time...

Vegetarian Times $1.99 for 10 issues
This is just crazy cheap. If you know someone who is a vegetarian or simply trying to find more interesting vegetable recipes this is a great pick. I have just starting receiving mine and have already bookmarked several recipes. I paid a whopping $3.99 and thought I got a good deal!

Saveur $4.95 for 9 issues
This is a really gorgeous magazine. I don't cook from it very often but the in-depth stories about artisan products and travel pieces are especially great.

Bon Appetit $4.50 for 12 issues
If you haven't read this magazine in a while, take another look, it has changed a lot. The recipes are WAY better than what I find in Gourmet. I turn first to the R.S.V.P. section for readers' favorite restaurant recipes.

- Goodbye, Gourmet
I am definitely going through the five stages of grief. I could not believe the news on Monday that Gourmet was closing--denial. I quickly became angry. How dare they! Don't they know how important that magazine is? Bargaining came next. Why didn't...

- Great Food Magazines
I have a shocking confession to make. There are times, sometimes whole weeks when I don't feel like cooking. The fridge may be empty or full; it makes no difference. Not in the mood. The muse has left the building. In this predicament we just have...

- It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like...summer!
Again, a recipe from the most recent issue of Vegetarian Times. During the last year, I was considering cancelling my VT subscription. I wasn't that crazy about the recipes I was seeing, and some of the magazine's features really didn't interest...

- Fine Cooking Light Magazine
My mother is cooking amazing dishes and has been cooking amazing virtually all of her life. Much of this amazing cooking was passed down from her mother. Grandmothers are outstanding cooks. It's a cliche. I can still taste and smell all the delicious...

- Keep Or Don't Keep: Magazines Worth Moving
So here it is: The final countdown (cue the Europe song). In two weeks, we will have no claim to our apartment; we will want nothing to do with our apartment. Ever again. Today, I culled magazines from my shelves in an attempt to reduce the amount of...

