WDB: Madness, thy name is Doolin

WDB: Madness, thy name is Doolin

This is the scene I usually find when I walk out the back door. Chaos. There's usually a reason for it.

It's rare, during these moments, to catch one of the dogs-as-still-life. And yes, Fluffy's come back. So much for his owner taking responibility, and all that.

After I'm charged and body-slammed, the dogs usually rush off to re-start their version of 'Wrestling Death Match'. There's at least three of them under that tree.

Brace yourselves. The impact from Donegal and Wicklow's combined weight can knock you on your a..., um, backside.

Ah, here we go. This is a bit more close-up. Doolin, the instigator. He thinks he's the size of a Great Dane, with the brains of Solomon Grundy. He tackles the other dogs, even Duke, without a second thought. If there's a puppy fight, it's been started by Doolin.

Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of puppies? Doolin knows!

Wisely, Duke took himself out of the fray, and curled up on the bed for a nap. Can't say I blame him.

You'll find more puppy adorableness at Sweetnicks' tomorrow night!

For the month of April, we're taking our appetizers on a picnic! Turn all your favorite picnic foods into bite-sized treats, grab a cold drink, and join us for a Blog Party. All you have to do is make ****AT LEAST ONE appetizer AND cocktail**** (that's a minimum of one EACH); take some photos, and write about it. Get your entries to me no later than Thursday, 19 April: either leave a link here in the comments, or send it to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the round-up on Saturday, 21 April. Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + WDB + Puppies + Dogs

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