Test Run

Test Run

It's not perfect.

But, I'm baking a cake for somone this coming weekend. They want to PAY ME to bake a cake for them.

I'm using fondant. I've never been crazy about the stuff, and right now, I'm 'eh'. It's useful, sure...but piping, to me, is just better.

I'm having loads of trouble with the buttercream, because the cake I make is incredibly dense. It stays very moist, so the crumb layer of frosting never fully dries.

But, I did a test run last weekend, and I think I've figured out what I need to do to make it work.

I've got the fondant-thing down, so that's not a problem. A professional smoothing tool would be useful, though.

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Baking + Cakes + Chocolate + Fondant + Buttercream + Daisies + Birthdays

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