Let Us Eat Cake

Let Us Eat Cake

For the third "Is My Blog Burning", Renee suggested the theme of cake.

I envisioned something I was calling a "buche de printemps", a variant of the classic French dessert, the buche de Noel. I made a verjus curd, a white sheet cake, and a white chocolate buttercream frosting. The plan was to spread the curd over the sheet cake, roll it up, trim the ends to create "branch stumps", and then frost the whole thing.

Note the past tense in that last paragraph. It didn't work out that way. I rolled up the sheet cake, and created a whole bunch of long strips separated from each other. Sigh. I was annoyed and disappointed, but hey. Verjus curd, white sheet cake (even in pieces) and white chocolate buttercream. How big of a disaster could this be?

So my contribution to Is My Blog Burning is...a terrine de gateau! I put the best-looking cake pieces on the bottom of a buttered loaf pan, then smeared some verjus curd over them. More cake pieces, more curd, and a final layer of cake pieces. I doused the cake with Frangelico, and weighted the terrine down.

The next day, I took the cake from its pan and frosted it. Now here comes the big confession. Much as I love frou-frou presentation, I've never really practiced decorating cakes. In this case, however, my bare-bones effort worked nicely. Because with my "terrine" the frosting in cross-section looks like the layer of fat you'd normally find around a pâté. Flavor-wise, everything worked fairly nicely. None of the flavors really dominated but rather blended together harmoniously, though at one point Melissa gave a whoop as she hit a particularly booze-soaked piece of cake.

If I were doing this for a dinner party or something (and I might someday; I like the joke), I'd complete the joke by making little marzipan cornichons and olives, but this time I was unable to.

A fun event, overall. I don't normally make cakes, so this was a nice departure from the routine.

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