You Could Eat the Whole Box

You Could Eat the Whole Box

A few weeks ago, a friend & I decided to make this cake. We were going to go fondant-coated hand to fondant-coated hand, see who made the better cake.

This was probably a bad idea, on my part. She's a caker, and I often refer to her as 'The Fondant Queen'. I, on the other hand, would be using it for exactly the fourth time.

But when the horrific fires hit Australia, my sweetheart of a friend bowed out of competition, as she had generously auctioned off cupcakes to benefit relief funds. With hundreds of little cuppies ahead of her, there'd be no time for a fondant frenzy.

I opted to go ahead with the cake, as a gift for Matt.

The idea came from here; rather than roll all those truffles, I made molded chocolates instead. Each filled with either Nutella or ganache; the ganache then either plain old chocolate, or raspberry or mint flavored.

All the chocolates, save 3 or 4, were made by me. I discovered, around two o'clock this morning, that despite several trays, I was still short! Luckily, I had some Lindt truffles on hand that could be pressed into service.

A heart-shaped chocolate cake, frosted with a basic buttercream, then covered with red fondant.

It's not perfect. My friend would have done a much nicer job. But I'm happy with it, and more importantly, so is Matt.

And for once, when diving into a chocolate box, you really could eat the whole thing!

We're cranking up the flavor for this month's Blog Party; it's time to Spice it Up!

Hope to see you there.

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