Mini Gourmet Burgers

Mini Gourmet Burgers

I subscribe to a weekly food and drink newsletter from the congomerate that is the Tribune. I think that came about as I was reading an article from one of their papers, and needed to register. Along with registration came 'pick a newsletter' I did.

Last week, in addition to a story (with recipes) on black olives, and 'perfect' baking, was an article about making the best burger.

Personally, I could not care less. If I consume a 'burger' these days, it came frozen and wrapped in cellophane, courtesy of Morningstar Farms.

But Matt's a burger-lover. And I don't make them for him as often as he'd like, so I printed out the article, with recipes.

Matt modified things a bit, and had a series of mini burgers Sunday night.

From the top: Bacon and Blue Cheese Burger, Cheddar with Ketchup and Mustard, and Chipotle Mayonaise and Avocado Burger.

Cute, aren't they?

And don't forget---Blog Party #2, Tiki Party, is just nine days away!

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