He Eats/She Eats

He Eats/She Eats

Cooking for both carnivore and vegetarians can get interesting. Sometimes, I just let Matt make a dish for himself, and worry about Alex and me. More often than not, though, I try to work a recipe into shape so we can all have the same thing.

But sometimes, it just can't happen.

Like these South Carolina Barbecue Pork Burgers.

I suppose I could have tried a vegetarian version, using soy-based bacon and sausage, but it just wouldn't have been the same; no matter how much liquid smoke I used.

So, Matt made these burgers for himself. And really liked them. I mean, really.

He swapped out the sauce for a more Kansas City-like one, which he prefers. And it appears he forgot all about the coleslaw, despite the fact we did buy cabbage.

And as for me?

Ok...don't hate me here.

There are just some nights, and not many, mind you, when I don't feel like cooking.

There. I said it.

So, for just those occasions, I keep on hand some (gulp) frozen meals.

I only keep a couple around at any time, and I only buy Amy's.

So, while Matt enjoyed his ground-up piggy, I had an Amy's Veggie Loaf Whole Meal!

How crazy is that? I never even liked meatloaf when I ate meat. But I love Amy's. I love the gravy, and the vegetables are actually really good.

Matt had a fancy burger, and I ate the organic/vegetarian equivalent of a TV Dinner.

(notice how the actual meal looks nothing like the one on the box?)

Hey...just think of it as preventing dirty dishes!!

Blog Party#14 entries are due this Thursday, and this month we're having a Kid's Party! Fun, cute, dainty, gross, wacky and whimsical...your appetizers and drinks are for the little ones. Post your dishes no later than next Thursday, 21 September...early is always good...and get your links to me either by posting in the comments, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. I'll post the party round-up Saturday, the 23rd, and I hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Pork + Barbecue + Sandwiches + Vegetarian + Amy's + Frozen Dinners

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