Carnivores Only: Herb-Crusted Leg of Lamb

Carnivores Only: Herb-Crusted Leg of Lamb

Clearly, not a dish I had anything to do with. I'll prepare many meat-based meals for Matt, but I really don't like dealing with lamb.

Images of little ones, frolicking in a meadow...yeah, I don't think so.

But, he likes it. So, I find him recipes.

This one was terribly easy: Herb-Crusted Leg of Lamb.

Fresh, chopped, herbs (many from the garden) on both the inside and outside of the lamb, tied up and roasted (with varying temperatures) for about an hour.

Sous chef Alex helped with the non-meat parts.

Stock is reduced, then flavored with crushed fennel seeds and pan drippings, and served with the lamb.

Matt loved this. Pointing out that it wasn't even a very good cut of meat, he had seconds. And the left-over's on a sandwich the next day.

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Currently, there are 79 81 82 85 87 bloggers signed up...I'm really hoping for a nice fat, round number like 90!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Lamb + Roast + Herbs + Dinner

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