Embryonic Journey

Embryonic Journey

Cook sister! had posted the EoMEoTE round-up, including an entry from yours truly. Please check it out.

- Don't Forget!
IMBB 11 is tomorrow! So if you haven't already started on your beany masterpiece, hop to it! Once you've posted, send me an email with a link. Check back here on Monday for the round-up. ...

- Invitation To The Edible Word
"> My eternally fabulous co-host of Cook the Books, Cath of A Blithe Palate, and I are co-hosting a new edition of The Edible Word, a foodie book club on September 5 and was hoping one of you would like to join us! What's involved? Well, a little...

- It's Up! Eomeote #7!!
Hooray! The End of Month Egg on Toast Extravaganza round-up is now up at Cook Sister!; with 27 entrants! Please check it out......

- It's Egg-on-toast Time Again...
Johanna of The Passionate Cook has posted the EoMEoTE roundup...there's some good looking stuff there. I mean, does it really get much better than eggs, and toasted bread? I don't think so....

- Twenty Hugs Can't Be Wrong!
Moira, of Who Wants Seconds?, has posted the list of entries in the 'Comfort Me" contest...can you believe there are twenty of them? My entry is exactly half-way down the round-up. All worthy of your time, I assure you...plus, recipes!...

