Invitation to the Edible Word

Invitation to the Edible Word


My eternally fabulous co-host of Cook the Books, Cath of A Blithe Palate, and I are co-hosting a new edition of The Edible Word, a foodie book club on September 5 and was hoping one of you would like to join us!
What's involved? Well, a little reading (it IS a book club), a lot of inspiration followed by some cooking or baking, and hopefully, a lot of fun.

We're reading “Confections of a Closet Master Baker” by Gesine Bullock-Prado, a former Hollywood executive who flees La La Land to become a baker in Vermont. The book traces her baking journey as it sustains her through various life trials — the Hollywood machine; her mother’s illness; the wonky life in a sweet, odd small town.

Event rules? Simple:

Pick a dish that she mentions in the book or an ingredient that she talks about.
Find a recipe or create a recipe for that dish, pastry or ingredient, and make it! (or if you like, make one of the yummy recipes she's included in the book)
Post an entry with a picture to your blog and share with us what compelled you to pick that particular dish, and any history about the recipe you created or are using to make that dish.

I have an extra book to share, so if you would like to join this food blogging event, please send me an email at thehappysorceress (AT) gmail (DOT) com with your snail mail address by six o'clock EST TODAY, August 5 and I’ll have one of the dogs randomly select one person to join us. If you don’t have a food blog but would like to participate, I’ll be happy to post your blog entry here.

Look for the event on September 5 and the round up on September 7!

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