Don't Forget!

Don't Forget!

IMBB 11 is tomorrow! So if you haven't already started on your beany masterpiece, hop to it! Once you've posted, send me an email with a link. Check back here on Monday for the round-up.

- Imbb Finds A Home
Is My Blog Burning (IMBB) has become such an integral part of the food blogging community that it's hard to believe it's not even a year old. Ron of loveSicily decided that it was time for a web site devoted to IMBB happenings and other food blogging...

- Leftover Tuesdays: Due Today!
Today is the day to get your Leftover Tuesdays entries can leave a link here in the comments, or send the URL to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. This is your chance to use up those leftovers, the half-empty cans and boxes, and long-forgotten...

- Temporary Delay
Having, of all things, eye problems. Staring at bright screen not so fun. Should have Blog Party round-up posted tomorrow....

- *%!)@&*^$
Our Network connection has been...AWOL. So, no posting. As of this afternoon, things appear to be (almost) back to normal. So, Wartime Wednesdays will be up soon. And don't forget! Tomorrow, Thursday, is the VERY LAST DAY to send in your Blog Party...

- Web Reads
Run, Forest Glen, Run! They call the Marathon du Médoc, through the vineyards of Bordeaux, the longest marathon in the world. But no one comments on the difficulty of finishing a full marathon where you drink wine at the rest stops. Maybe that's...

