Temporary Delay

Temporary Delay

Having, of all things, eye problems. Staring at bright screen not so fun. Should have Blog Party round-up posted tomorrow.

- Don't Forget!
IMBB 11 is tomorrow! So if you haven't already started on your beany masterpiece, hop to it! Once you've posted, send me an email with a link. Check back here on Monday for the round-up. ...

- The Price Of Having Too Much Fun
Ok, this has been such a fun & amazing Blog Party, I'm completely wiped out! We all had a marvelous time, but either from talking myself hoarse or eating too many delicious bites, I'm simply too tired to give post the round-up tonight. I'm...

- Blog Party#25: Minty Goodness
We're beginning our third year here at Blog Party, and this time around, I've decided to have more fun with the theme. To pick party topics I'd want to see. To really do the things I love, and hopefully...you'll love them, too. This...

- Blog Party Warm-up: Mary's Little Lambs
Tomorrow's the big day...Blog Party's 2-year anniversary! It's been all appetizers, all week, to get the festive mood going. Today, tiny bites of lamb, served in phyllo. I wish I could tell you what was in them, but...well, they're lamb....

- Blog Party#6: Retro Party Reminder
Blog Party #6 is coming up this Saturday! And this time, we're going Retro! Click here for 'rules', ideas, and more...and be sure to get those entries in soon. Party guests have already begun to arrive, including a new face all the way from...

