Twenty Hugs Can't be Wrong!

Twenty Hugs Can't be Wrong!

Moira, of Who Wants Seconds?, has posted the list of entries in the 'Comfort Me" contest...can you believe there are twenty of them? My entry is exactly half-way down the round-up.

All worthy of your time, I assure, recipes!

- Dining With The Bloggers - May 25th
French. This is the theme I've been biting my nails over. I know nothing about French cuisine and would be hard pressed to describe it. What exactly qualifies as "French"? True to form I put off finding a recipe until the last moment, at which time...

- Leftover Tuesdays: Due Today!
Today is the day to get your Leftover Tuesdays entries can leave a link here in the comments, or send the URL to me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. This is your chance to use up those leftovers, the half-empty cans and boxes, and long-forgotten...

- A Hug You Can Eat
Moira of Who Wants Seconds? is having a contest; the mission? Write about your favorite comfort food. I love Moira's blog (I recently made bagels using her recipe...yum), and knew I wanted in on this. I've spent the past few weeks thinking: what...

- Pics From Sonoma Foie Gras
In response to a debate on eGullet, my friend Chris re-posted his pics from our visit to Sonoma Foie Gras. Here are the caveats I posted on eGullet. He owns the copyright on all these. No reproduction without his permission. He wanted me to point out...

- Dining With The Bloggers - April 6th.
A long, LONG time ago, when she hadn't even started her blog, Moira was so kind as to offer me, via e-mail, a copy of her recipe for bagels. She claimed they were the best homemade bagels in the entire WORLD! And you know what? I think she's...

