Pics from Sonoma Foie Gras

Pics from Sonoma Foie Gras

In response to a debate on eGullet, my friend Chris re-posted his pics from our visit to Sonoma Foie Gras. Here are the caveats I posted on eGullet.

Read all that? The pics are here.

- Dr. Vino Goes To The Geese
Some of you know that I have a spider-sense that tingles when writers mention foie gras, but this time Tyler at Dr. Vino made my job easy when he sent a link to his post about a visit to a French goose foie gras farm. He touches on the "unmentioned" problems...

- Comparing Duck Legs
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Having made batch after batch of duck confit in the last few months, I'm convinced that legs from foie gras ducks produce a superior product. However, that limits your purchasing options—there are only four foie...

- Here, Chickie, Chickie
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- The Dilemma Of Foie Gras, Art Of Eating 68
Photo by Chris Holmes I thought I wouldn't write anything until after Christmas, but I'll make one quick post. Issue 68 of The Art of Eating is sort of out, and it has my piece about foie gras. I did a lot of research on this piece, and my...

