Here, Chickie, Chickie

Here, Chickie, Chickie

My friend Chris sent me an ad for the E-Z Catch Harvester from Bright Coop. The movie ("Click here to watch the video") is the thing to watch, though you should refrain if you prefer to be in denial about food processing. It's possible the video looks worse than it actually is, like videos of gavage (I bring everything back to foie gras in one way or another).

The curious thing about the video is the chickens are all running around (hence the need to catch them). Does that mean they're "free range"? It gives one pause.

- Free Culinary Institute Classes
What cook hasn't considered picking up some new tricks by taking a cooking class? But cooking classes usually fall into two categories as far as I'm concerned--either too basic or too expensive. And sometimes both. So I browse the cooking school...

- Foie Gras Without Force-feeding?
In a post at The Ethicurean, I noticed a link to an article describing a Spanish foie gras that received the Coup de Coeur award for innovation at the Paris International Food Salon. The surprise here isn't the country of origin: Spain, like Belgium,...

- Wired Rattles Its Sabers
Wired offers advice on sabering Champagne bottles—slicing off the top of the bottle, cork and glass and all. Too bad Wired couldn't find any actual sabering adepts to teach the flamboyant move. I can name a few people in the Bay Area who are...

- Peta Documents Butterball Cruelty
I've participated in various online debates about foie gras, and someone always asks, "Why don't animal rights groups pick on the rest of the meat industry?" But they do. You just never hear about these other campaigns in mainstream...

- The Dilemma Of Foie Gras, Art Of Eating 68
Photo by Chris Holmes I thought I wouldn't write anything until after Christmas, but I'll make one quick post. Issue 68 of The Art of Eating is sort of out, and it has my piece about foie gras. I did a lot of research on this piece, and my...

