Wired Rattles Its Sabers

Wired Rattles Its Sabers

Wired offers advice on sabering Champagne bottles—slicing off the top of the bottle, cork and glass and all. Too bad Wired couldn't find any actual sabering adepts to teach the flamboyant move. I can name a few people in the Bay Area who are experts at the technique, and I've done it once or twice (with mixed results). Instead, the technology magazine consulted one person at K & L Wines who has "seen the move in a movie" and then the author links to YouTube video demonstrations, which are fun to watch if you've never seen someone saber a bottle before.

- Around The Web
A number of you have asked about the survey I ran a while back. I’ll post the results soon. In the meantime, if you want a break from Thanksgiving prep, here are a few good links for your enjoyment. The eloquent Mark Morford, columnist for the...

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- Wired Deconstructs Red Bull
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- Engineering Mad Cow Out Of Cows
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- The Freshest Fish?
I don't know if chefs forage for seafood outside the world's first undersea restaurant, but wouldn't that be a great show for the tony dining room? The restaurant serves the Hilton in the Maldives, and it's sort of a reverse aquarium:...

