Around The Web

Around The Web

A number of you have asked about the survey I ran a while back. I’ll post the results soon. In the meantime, if you want a break from Thanksgiving prep, here are a few good links for your enjoyment.

The eloquent Mark Morford, columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, wrestles with ethical eating in the face of yummy food. Avoiding all questionable food would be so much easier if so much of that food didn’t taste so good.

What does your Thanksgiving meal look like? Turkey on the table, cranberry sauce on the side? Wired offers a different view: through the lens of a microscope.

Finally, Jason Haas, of premier Paso Robles winery Tablas Creek, gave me a heads-up about a recent post in which he discusses how the TTB’s decision to stop granting AVAs has impeded efforts to subdivide Paso based on soil and climate.

On the eve of Thanksgiving I'm pretty sure you've already figured out what you are cooking or eating tomorrow, if you haven't, you could check out my post on Bay Area Bites with links to three "winning" recipes. The reason I haven't...

- What Is Bimbo Break?
I was trying to solve a puzzle in the latest issue of The Enigma, the monthly publication of The National Puzzlers’ League, and I decided the answer might be one of the Coca-Cola brands. I haven’t memorized them, of course, so I looked them...

- Mark Morford On The Baconator Ads
In Mark Morford’s latest opinion column for the San Francisco Chronicle, he rants about the new Wendy’s ads — and our culture of gluttony — in his typical stream-of-consciousness style. I guess everyone’s writing about food...

- Owf Survey: Just A Few More Days!
I’ll pull the OWF 5-Year Anniversary Reader Survey on Friday night, Pacific time. If you haven’t filled it out yet, please take a moment to do so; you’ll help me make OWF a better site for all of you....

- Not About Food: Ethical Guidelines
Sorry for all these housekeeping posts. Regular food and wine programming will resume shortly. Meanwhile, take the OWF 5-Year Anniversary Reader Survey. I get a number of press opportunities as the publisher of OWF, and I wanted to spell out my policies...

