It's up! EoMEoTE #7!!

It's up! EoMEoTE #7!!

Hooray! The End of Month Egg on Toast Extravaganza round-up is now up at Cook Sister!; with 27 entrants! Please check it out...

- Eomeote#17: Gardensalad Weds Ciabatta!
It's Egg & Toast time again; this month, it's Tabloids! Jeanne has all the headlines... Blog Party#13 is coming, and this month, we're turning off the heat and preparing cool appetizers and drinks! Post your dishes no later than Thursday,...

- Eomeote#15: The Hard-boiled Edition
Nick Henslay sat in his chair, staring at a copy of the Daily Ovoid. It was a small item on page four that had his attention. Below the latest reports on the comings and goings of the rich and famous were two short sentences. RYETH BUTTERY, NATIONAL...

- Eomeote#14: Poetic Injustice; Or 5th Grade Re-play
Blame it on Mrs. Schroeder's fifth grade class planner... The Ova and the Pussy-Toast went to sea In a beautiful Pea-Crisp boat. They took some Kroger-brand honey, And plenty of money Wrapped up in a 5-Euro note. There you go, dear Cook Sister:...

- Start Cracking!
It's time for eggs..again! Not only does Jeanne of Cook Sister! have the EoMEoTE #7 round-up posted (quite wonderfully in rhyming verse, too), the June IMBB? has been announced! And it will be hosted by Seattle Bon Vivant, featuring eggs! Oh, the...

- Embryonic Journey
Cook sister! had posted the EoMEoTE round-up, including an entry from yours truly. Please check it out....

