Start cracking!

Start cracking!

It's time for eggs..again!

Not only does Jeanne of Cook Sister! have the EoMEoTE #7 round-up posted (quite wonderfully in rhyming verse, too), the June IMBB? has been announced! And it will be hosted by Seattle Bon Vivant, featuring eggs!

Oh, the possibilites...

Be sure to post your entries between Friday the 24th and Sunday the 26th

- Eggs, Sunny-side Up!
The full round-up from the June IMBB? are now up; a huge thanks to Viv of Seattle Bon Vivant for hosting, and putting so much time and effort into it!...

- Eomeote Time, Again
Be sure to get your Egg and Toast entries together; the End of Month Egg on Toast Extravaganza is being hosted by the event's co-founder, Jeanne, of Cook Sister! this month. I'll be working on my mine tonight and tomorrow, and hope to have a post...

- It's Egg-on-toast Time Again...
Johanna of The Passionate Cook has posted the EoMEoTE roundup...there's some good looking stuff there. I mean, does it really get much better than eggs, and toasted bread? I don't think so....

- Embryonic Journey
Cook sister! had posted the EoMEoTE round-up, including an entry from yours truly. Please check it out....

- Imbb # 16: Eggs! Hard Boiled Eggs With Dukkah
It's funny how I think that when I finally have a vacation, I'll post ALL the time - when reality is, I post a lot less! There are just so many things to do, sun to enjoy and friends to see - you know how it is! But - today is IMBB # 16, and...

