Eggs, Sunny-side up!

Eggs, Sunny-side up!

The full round-up from the June IMBB? are now up; a huge thanks to Viv of Seattle Bon Vivant for hosting, and putting so much time and effort into it!

- Imbb 5
I think I'm being tested. One of the reasons I wanted to start a blog was that I wanted to participate in Is My Blog Burning – an event where food bloggers all over the world prepare a dish in keeping with the current IMBB theme and then report...

- Imbb? #16-a Whimsical Breakfast
It's another Is My Blog Burning?, hosted this month by Seattle Bon Vivant, and featuring eggs. As I recently told Julia of Aroma Cookery (so happy you're back, by the way), I've been scrambling to get my entries together for both IMBB? and...

- Imbb # 16: Eggs! Hard Boiled Eggs With Dukkah
It's funny how I think that when I finally have a vacation, I'll post ALL the time - when reality is, I post a lot less! There are just so many things to do, sun to enjoy and friends to see - you know how it is! But - today is IMBB # 16, and...

- Sugar High Friday # 4!
Someone told me Seattle Bon Vivant is hosting the next Sugar High Friday... Keep an eye on her......

- Wbw # 3: A Trip Down Under: Australian Shiraz
Things are moving fast in the blooging community - at least fast for me, but I guess my school has started taking up more time! Seattle Bon Vivant is the host this time - check out the terms and conditions and do join! ...

