It's Egg-on-Toast time again...
Johanna of The Passionate Cook has posted the EoMEoTE roundup...there's some good looking stuff there.
I mean, does it really get much better than eggs, and toasted bread? I don't think so.
Eomeote#17: Gardensalad Weds Ciabatta!
It's Egg & Toast time again; this month, it's Tabloids! Jeanne has all the headlines... Blog Party#13 is coming, and this month, we're turning off the heat and preparing cool appetizers and drinks! Post your dishes no later than Thursday,...
Well, Now; That's Interesting
I'd never have come up with this one on my own, that's for sure. Dinner was Bacon, Egg and Cucumber Salad; and while I was a wee bit skeptical at first, I absolutely loved this odd combo. Peeled, seeded and diced, then cooked with vinegar, sugar,...
Eomeote #10-star-bellied Sneezes
The flu! The flu! Whatever shall we do? You say someone has the flu? I must admit, "I do". But there's cooking to be done The timing could not be worse Fair sister wants her eggs & toast Are there tissues in my purse? Sneezing Freezing Wheezing Pleasing...
Start Cracking!
It's time for eggs..again! Not only does Jeanne of Cook Sister! have the EoMEoTE #7 round-up posted (quite wonderfully in rhyming verse, too), the June IMBB? has been announced! And it will be hosted by Seattle Bon Vivant, featuring eggs! Oh, the...
Embryonic Journey
Cook sister! had posted the EoMEoTE round-up, including an entry from yours truly. Please check it out....