Do Not Disturb

Do Not Disturb

Some days, Alex's nap goes on and on. Matt likes to get him up, or at the very least, check in on him.

I keep telling him "don't wake him!" See, I know what Alex is like when he wakes up before he wants.


Which is what happened here. Lots of "no" and "don't" and "go away". How sweet; he takes after his Daddy!

And a total bed-head, to boot.

- Why I Think He's Precious
This morning, over breakfast, Alex said: "I see ice." Me: "You see ice? Where?" Alex: "Ice, outside." Me: "Honey, there's no way there's ice out there. It's just too hot." Alex: "They said there'd be ice-olated showers!" Hee. It is my...

- Arf/5 A Day Tuesday#5: Bottom's Up!
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- The Sky Is Cryin'
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- Be A Child Again
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- Maybe Not 30 Minutes, But Close!
Due to some issues Thursday, we postponed our weekly grocery shopping trip and went out Friday. Friday was also the day Alex decided he did not, in fact, need to sleep during nap time. We didn't get started until around six, and had three stores...

