The Sky is Cryin'

The Sky is Cryin'

The sky is cryin....can'’t you see the tears roll down the street

You may have learned from Clare; our sweet little Macroom died Thursday morning.

He'd been doing so well since our visit to the vet, I allowed myself some optimism. His breathing was still a big ragged, but he was eating, talking, purring, and cuddling like his old self.

Possibly the greatest irony is the fact that Macroom and Wicklow and Donegal had become friendly; sharing a water bowl, and all climbing into our bed at night.

Five of us...good thing we have a queen size bed!

But Wednesday, Macroom was clearly declining. He wouldn't...couldn' He did little more than sleep.

Strangely enough, Wicklow seemed to be in tune with the cat. Macroom abandoned the bed early into the night, and Wicklow kept whimpering and looking down at the floor.

Finally, he jumped down as Macroom began making some pretty horrible noises. I made Matt bring Macroom up to the bed...Matt thought the cat was just mad at the dog, but I could tell something was terribly wrong.

He made one last noise, and as I held him, he died.

I know he's no longer suffering, but I miss my little guy. I keep looking for him, and remembering...'oh, right'.

Every time I pass through the dining room, I look towards Alex's Enormous Bear which Macroom had claimed as a bed, expecting to see him there.

Matt left work early today so he could come home and give Macroom a decent burial.

As he went outside to start the digging, the increasingly grey skies opened up, and rain began to fall. How appropriate.

Explaining to Alex that Macroom's gone hasn't been easy. He's 2 1/2, for crying out loud: 'dead' doesn't mean anything to him.

I tried to keep it as simple as I could, telling him Macroom had been sick, too sick, and that he'd died. I told Alex that meant we didn't have a kitty any longer. He was gone.

To which Alex replied "but he'll come back?"

Tell me that's not heartbreaking.

The picture above and just below were taken about eleven hours before Macroom died.

This one was taken a few days ago.

He was a total sweetheart. We all adored him, and even though he'd been in our lives just four months, he was part of our family.

And thus, he will be missed.

- Time To Say 'thanks', I'm Back, Tagged, And Wdb13
Wow...I have to thank you, all of you, for all your kinds words and support since we lost Macroom. So many friends have stopped by or emailed, and better still; total strangers have taken the time to say goodbye to our little kitty, and wish us all well....

- Roll Over, I'm Tired: Wdb $12
All that worrying about Macroom had Wicklow and Donegal tuckered out. The problem was, there wasn't enough room on the couch for everyone. No big. Wicklow just climbed on top of Donegal, and made himself comfortable. Be sure to visit Sweetnicks...

- Wdb#11 & Wcb#25: Peace Talks Begin
Crazy Macroom has decided that rather than hide from the big, bad dogs (under the staircase), he's going to curl up on Alex's Enormous Bear...on the dining room floor! Wicklow has been beside himself, going up to Marcroom and sniffing, licking,...

- Wcb#23: Temporary Relocation
As sending his best wishes out to Clare and Kiri this weekend took all his energy, Macroom promptly fell asleep in Alex's Scooby Doo chair. Of course, he's not clever enough to recognize the irony. Please visit Farmgirl and boo_licious to see...

- Wcb The New Guy
Introducing Macroom, the newest member of our family. A nine week old kitty cat...the dogs want to eat him, and the cat wants nothing to do with the pups. But, Macroom is incredibly snuggly. He loves to curl up around my neck, or be cradled in one...

