Maybe not 30 minutes, but close!

Maybe not 30 minutes, but close!

Due to some issues Thursday, we postponed our weekly grocery shopping trip and went out Friday.

Friday was also the day Alex decided he did not, in fact, need to sleep during nap time.

We didn't get started until around six, and had three stores to get to. Alex was cranky (by his standards) almost from the beginning. I knew it was going to be a long night.

Kroger, Earth Fare and Super Target runs finished, we came home with the intent of feeding Alex and getting him to bed as soon as possible. Even that took some effort...the poor little guy was just so tired, all he could do was be contrary.

By this time, Matt and I are were both tired and starving, and I was most certainly on my last nerve. Finally, Matt got Alex off to bed, and I worked on dinner.

Thank goodness for Rachel Ray and her 30 Minute Meals!

Quickly prepared, and just what we needed;
Hazelnut Crusted Chicken with Gorgonzola Sauce.

Chicken (and Veat, of course), coated in a flour, poultry seasoning and garlic powder mixture, then dipped in egg and pushed into chopped hazelnuts; fried in a skillet with olive oil for two minutes each side, and finished in the oven.
Top with a sauce of Gorgonzola, milk and sage.

Reheated potatoes from our Lamb Wellingtons, and a salad of arugula, avocado and hazelnuts, and we have dinner!

Tasty...nice crunchy (the way nuts are crunchy, not bread or other coatings) hazelnut layer, good flavor from the floured seasoning. The sauce was nice, but ours was a bit runny: it calls for whole milk, we use skim. I think it made a difference.

But, it was a good dish. It came together fast, and was full of flavor and filling. Another keeper.

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- No Rest For The Wicked
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- Thanks, Ina
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- Fancy-pants Dinner
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