Oh...to be a child again

Oh...to be a child again

While making the cake for my father-in-law, Alex and Matt helped by unloading and reloading the dishwasher (it's mobile). As a reward, Alex got to lick chocolate mousse off a spatula as big as his head...

- Post-oscar Decadence
Of all the nominations, I've only seen...two?...of the films. Ratatouille and Michael Clayton. Which is probably a higher number than past years. We decided to have a sort of 'decadence' dinner. Nothing too fancy, just foods we really enjoy....

- Wcb #20---can I Help?
I'm still getting used to having something so small hanging around...always have to watch where I put my feet! (We got the pups while I was extremely pregnant, so there was much less foot activity on my part.) And Macroom always follows me around,...

- Do Not Disturb
Some days, Alex's nap goes on and on. Matt likes to get him up, or at the very least, check in on him. I keep telling him "don't wake him!" See, I know what Alex is like when he wakes up before he wants. Cranky. Which is what happened here....

- Salutations And Congratulations
My father-in-law recently celebrated two events: his sixty-ninth birthday, and his retirement from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. My mother-in-law wondered if I would make a cake...? Of course I would Another recipe from Perfect Cakes, I made...

- The Dad Cake
My original plan was to make a cake for both local dad's; Matt would have one here, and then we'd take one to my father-in-law. Then reality set in, and I decided to let them share... Another recipe from Cocolat; Marjolaine. Four layers of roasted...

