Why I Think He's Precious

Why I Think He's Precious

This morning, over breakfast, Alex said: "I see ice."

Me: "You see ice? Where?"

Alex: "Ice, outside."

Me: "Honey, there's no way there's ice out there. It's just too hot."

Alex: "They said there'd be ice-olated showers!"


It is my intention to finally get Blog Party posted some time today...most likely late-ish. Thanks for your patience, and well-wishes. Day 7, and I almost feel human again.


- Random, Geeky, Non-food Question
So...Alex wants to dress as Green Arrow for his birthday party, which happens to be twe weeks from today. It's a 'Superhero' party, and the kids are encouraged to dress as their favorite. He's already done Green Lantern. Batman, Superman...

- Teach Them Well
Apparently, my attempts to educate Alex about vegetarianism have gotten through... He knows not to eat gummy candies, or marshmallows, or jell-o, because they contain gelatin. Meat has been rather thoroughly covered. But I didn't expect this. One...

- Cinnamon Chip Pancakes
Breakfast always has been...and always will be...my favorite meal of the day. I love breakfast foods. Growing up, it never crossed my mind that it was odd to have breakfast foods for dinner. And we did. Buckwheat pancakes, sausage, eggs. It seemed perfectly...

- Arf/5 A Day Tuesday#5: Bottom's Up!
Wow...the stars finally aligned in my favor, or something, because I remembered what day it was, and managed to put together something for Sweetnicks' eat-healthier event, ARF/5 A Day Tuesday. So...you may be wondering what that glass of pureed...whatever...has...

- He Wants Blue Rice!
Alex is a hoot. He loves to watch cooking shows (he's particularly fond of Rachel Ray's 30-Minute Meals and Everyday Italian with Giada De Laurentis, and has already been seen channeling Emeril..."Bam!"), and often plays with his toy kitchen. ...

