Teach Them Well

Teach Them Well

Apparently, my attempts to educate Alex about vegetarianism have gotten through...

He knows not to eat gummy candies, or marshmallows, or jell-o, because they contain gelatin.

Meat has been rather thoroughly covered.

But I didn't expect this.

One day, when presented with animal crackers as the morning snack, Alex politely but firmly informed his teacher that he couldn't eat them, because they were made with animals...

It took a talk with his teacher, as well as a discussion with us, to assure him that no animals were harmed in the making of those cookies.

- 12 Weeks Of Christmas Cookies: Holly Berry Cookies
A family tradition. Every Christmas, I'd wait for my Aunt Kathy to bring the Holly Berry cookies. The entire family would be there: grandparents, their six kids & spouses, & the 19 grandchildren. It got loud & too hot, but we had fun. Lots of laughter...

- Apples? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Apples!
Forget the shiny red apple as a teacher gift. For Alex's preschool teacher's birthday, we gave cake. I call it 'The Turtle Cake', for what I hope are obvious reasons. Two (square) layers of a seriously dense chocohlate cake, smothered...

- Cookies...it's Begun
Alex's teacher asked if I could make sugar cookie Gingerbread men for his and the other preschool class; apparently, kids who are not Alex don't like strong spices like ginger and cloves. Could I?? Hee...I live for this. You won't want...

- Multiple Choice Made Easier
Matt was in Philly this week, for business, which meant I was a true full-time parent. One way to keep Alex occupied is by getting him to 'help' in the kitchen. A recipe I'd been meaning to make with him, Multiple Choice Cookies, from Joanne...

- Eureka!
I did. I really did it. I made a good vegetarian marshmallow. Yes! A recipe I printed out a couple of weeks ago, from Gale Gand: Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Cookies. Cookie rounds, lightly flavored with cinnamon, topped with homemade marshmallow, then...

