Multiple Choice Made Easier

Multiple Choice Made Easier

Matt was in Philly this week, for business, which meant I was a true full-time parent.

One way to keep Alex occupied is by getting him to 'help' in the kitchen.

A recipe I'd been meaning to make with him, Multiple Choice Cookies, from Joanne Fluke's Blueberry Muffin Murder, was just perfect.

Melt a stick of butter and pour it into a baking dish. Then, select one ingredient from each of four (A, B, C & D) columns. First, the 'crust'. Column A. Vanilla wafers, animal crackers, chocolate wafers...we picked graham crackers. Alex had great fun smashing them to bits with the rolling pin!

Sprinkle them over the butter, then pour a can of sweetened condensed milk over the crumbs (I couldn't find the can I knew I had, so I mixed up dry milk powder and sugar with warm water; works like a charm).

This is where I messed up...I was so intent on keeping Alex involved, I sort of skipped this step...oops. More on that later.

Next, Column B. Chips or candies, of various kinds. We went traditional, with chocolate chips.

Column C. Something crunchy. Coconut, rice cereal...we choose corn flakes, with Alex again pounding the flakes into crumbs. He really liked that part.

And finally, Column D. Nuts. Several were listed, but Alex only had eyes for the cashews. They were added.

This is where I noticed my error. Figuring I had little to lose, I dumped the faux condensed milk over the whole mess, after Alex got to compress the ingredients.

Baked in a moderate oven about half an hour, despite the 'oops', we wound up with some fairly decent cookies. And I spent some 'quality time' with my kid.

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Baking + Cookies + Kids + Books + Joanne Fluke

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