A Study in Chocolate

A Study in Chocolate

Another Red's Round-Up (kids's party) at Earth Fare; this time the kids were given (small amounts of) chocolate to try.

Alex got to try a Venezuelan dark chocolate...

one in milk

carob chips

more Venezuelan chocolate, this time white

rice milk chocolate

"More chocolate?"

This, following a command to 'smile for Mommy'.

Chocolove with Raspberries.

What you can't see in the background: the kids got to dip gorgeous, organic, strawberries into melted Ghiradelli chocolate! He's just waiting his turn

Ok; Alex may have been getting fed up with the photo shoot around now. The kids were given both a soy and a low-fat chocolate milk to try. Alex was in the minority, picking the soy chocolate milk as the favorite.

After each tasting event, the kids are given some kind of arts and/or crafts project to work on. This time, it was Valentine's-related coloring sheets. See? The elephant is surrounded by hearts!

Alex, with one of the women who runs both this club, and various cooking and how-to classes at the store. He calls her the 'Kate-lady'.

Blog Party#7 has been announced, and this month? It's all about Red and Hot! Your cocktail and appetizer entries are due in less than two weeks, 16 February; so start planning, and hope to see you at the party!

Tagged with: Food and Drink, Blog Party, Kids, Chocolate, Events, Blogging

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