Random, Geeky, Non-Food Question

Random, Geeky, Non-Food Question

So...Alex wants to dress as Green Arrow for his birthday party, which happens to be twe weeks from today. It's a 'Superhero' party, and the kids are encouraged to dress as their favorite. He's already done Green Lantern. Batman, Superman or Flash, I can find manufactured costumes for.

But he wants to go as Ollie.

Other than cannibalizing a Robin Hood costume, I have no idea how to make it so. I don't sew. I just...don't. Not even my love for Alex gets me in front of a sewing machine.

Which is why I'm turning to you: any ideas?

This is what we're aiming for (no pun, I swear):

For those of you not terribly well-versed in DC-speak, GA would be the one on the right...

Many thanks, in advance.

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