The Baseball-Playing Rockstar Batman-to-be Turns Six

The Baseball-Playing Rockstar Batman-to-be Turns Six

Yikes! Today was Alex's 6th birthday, though he informed me he didn't feel any different from 5.

He wanted Pad Thai for dinner (beams with pride, his mother does), so we packed up the ingredients and our rather large wok & had Southeast Asian food with his grandparents.

Peanut butter cake, with milk chocolate frosting. Songs were sung, flames were extinguished (rather saliva-free, thankfully).

The cake; it was happily consumed.

And among the gifts? This very nifty Superman jacket!! Yes, he wants to be Batman, but that doesn't mean he can't like Supes, too.

Happy Birthday, little man. Stop growing up so fast, will ya?

This month, we're sleeping in a little late, but the party won't suffer...we're having Brunch!

RSVP by Friday, 20 March

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