Look! It's an Unweildy Fondant Object!

Look! It's an Unweildy Fondant Object!

Because spring break begins at almost the exact same time as Alex's birthday, and just about every classmate jets off to some fabulous location leaving him with virtually no party guests, we've learned to move his birthday party up a week.

Yes, it's confusing (No, this is just your party; your birthday is next weekend.), but we figure he attends every single birthday party he's invited to, we didn't want him to celebrate without his friends.

We're having the party at a science museum; very hands-on. There's a shuttle the kids can play in (and everything white glows, including teeth...very neat), a planetarium, fossils, fish/spiders(gaaaah!)/you name it, some sort of parabolic dish reflectors (look it up), and more.

We decided to go with an outer space theme; Alex is dressing up as J'onn J'onzz; the Martian Manhunter (photos to come), the goody bags include Alien Test Tubes of Slime & Astronaut Ice Cream.

We're even serving up Romulan Ale. No, really. On the TV series, it was just blue Gatorade! We're classing it up a bit by adding a ginger syrup but it's still blue.

And then there's the cake. A giant, lighted, UFO cake.

Not my best work, by far. It's actually a bit on the simple side, although Matt's string of lights makes it look pretty cool.

It is extremely heavy. 20 pounds, at least. Terribly difficult to move, or rotate, or...well, anything. So getting it from here to the car to the party room...may require nerve-calming drugs. For ME.

Just how big? Here; the base cake is 16" across & 2" high. The dome is 8" x 3". It's...a big cake.

This month, we're sleeping in a little late, but the party won't suffer...we're having Brunch!

RSVP by Friday, 20 March

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