Righting a Wrong

Righting a Wrong

Not too long ago, Hostess unveiled Green Lantern Glo Balls...a clear tie-in with the upcoming Green Lantern movie.

Ok; fine. Hal Jordan on the package makes sense in that context.

But when the images of Batman & Superman appeared on boxes of the cupcakes & spongecakes...there was a bit of an uproar.

Once again, the comic book industry ignored their female fans. From a marketing standpoint alone, it's unwise to assume the people buying your products are only a certain gender.

Granted, it'd be a cold day in Hell when I'd buy mass-produced snack cakes, but that's hardly the point. I'm picky about my food in a 'is it good for me? is it made with the best ingredients? is it fresh?' kind of way. But I was a teenager ...well, longer ago than I care to admit.
And I loved these sorts of things. Especially when the cafeteria offerings were less-than appealing.

To remind DC Comics (& comics companies everywhere) that girls & women like heroes too, I made my own 'Glo Balls', along with cream-filled chocolate cupcakes & yellow, canoe-shaped spongecakes.

And I photographed them with the female counterparts of the current advertising campaign.

Supergirl, Green Lantern Katma Tui & Batgirl.

Take note, marketing & sales!

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